lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

25 Minutes to go

25 Minutes to Go was created by the Four Brothers and was first played  in 1963
Also Johnny Clash had it in one of his album

25 Minutes to Go

Here I come, to save the day, I've  got 25 minutes to go
When I come around you better not play, I’ve got 24 minutes to go

I need to stop a stealing time, I’ve got 23 minutes to go
Before I lose any time, I’ve got 22 minutes to go

I’m ready to shoot in the air, I’ve got 21 minutes to go
To stop robbers stealing in a pair, I’ve got 20 minutes to go

The robbers are in the avenue just by, I’ve got 19 minutes to go
One of the robbers waved bye bye, I’ve got 18 minutes to go

But I’m distracted by the old woman whose cat is in a tree, I’ve got 17 minutes to go
The robbers are getting away, I’d better get the cat free, I’ve got 16 minutes to go

The robbers have hidden in the town, I’ve got 15 minutes to go
They’d better not be dressed as clowns, I’ve got 14 minutes to go

Oh no! I see the robbers car get out of the city, I’ve got 13 minutes to go
I could have caught them, what a pity! I’ve got 12 minutes to go

The thieves are getting away with their car, I’ve got 11 minutes to go
I’d better try to recognize them by their scar, I’ve got 10 minutes to go

Great now they are trying to shoot me with their gun, I’ve got 9 minutes to go
Dodging their bullets is too much fun, I’ve got 8 minutes to go

Avoiding their bullets it was time for action, I’ve got 7 minutes to go
We started shooting their car in reaction, I’ve got 6 minutes to go

Our bullet hit the tires which blew out, I’ve got 5 minutes to go
The car and we can clame this battle is our rout, I’ve got 4 minutes to

They came out of their car and falter, I’ve got 3 minutes to go
We ran at them and brought them out of their shelters, I’ve got 2 minutes to go

We put the robbers for stealing under arrest, I’ve got 1 more minute to go
And finally we were able to have our lunch and rest

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011


How is Titan similar to Earth:?

View on one of the Lake on Titan

On this satellite image taken by NASA Gassani, we can see how Titan is similar to
some landscapes on Earth and its rivers

Titan is similar  to the earth by having rain, lakes and rivers. The lakes are not made of water ut by methane. The reason Methan is the liquid found in the lakes is because the temperature on Titan is -180ª so the methane condenses in to liquid Methan. Some scientits say even there maybe some kind of life on Titan.

This is a nice video about Titan.

Can you explain why this is good news if there is some other lifeforms?

I think this is an interesting discovery because maybe we could discover some kind of life and maybe use them as new food, or to do clothing.  we could take some of it back to earth. We could also find new materials and new energies. If we find life on Titan it could help us to understand how earth got life.

What did you learn today that you can share on your blog?

Today I learned from the video that Saturn moon, Titan, has lakes of methane liquid.
Also  I learned  that if you go to the desert in Lybia it is just like if you are on the surface of Planet Mars. 
I learned that in 2008 the athmosphere of earth slowed down a melted meteorite because of the friction.
Mercury does not have any athmosphere so lots of craters have been formed because there was nothing to slow down of melt the meteorits.

Solar System

Sources for pictures:

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Science Questions

  1. What Causes to have seasons:

We have seasons because the earth has a tilt of 23.5 degres and earth turns around the sun. When it is winter in America it is summer in Australia because at this time the Northern emisphere is a little closer to the sun and gets more energy from the sun. Look at the diagramm above and at the fantastic video below.

2. How often does the earth go around the sun?

The earth makes a full round around the sun in a year. A year is 365 days.

3. How long does it take for the earth to rotate on its axis:

The time it takes the earth to rotate on its axis is about 24 hours or 1 day.

4. Can you explain a solar eclipse?
The moon goes around the earth. The earth goes around the sun. When the moon is in perfect alignment and in between earth and sun, it creates a solar eclipse.

This diagram is from one of my  french books I received from one of my aunt after a lunar eclipse I saw in summer 2009 at her house in Bordeaux: Eclipses.

Sun eclipse in Paris: July 1999

5. Why do we have daytime and nightime?
Day and night time
We have night and day because the earth rotates every 24 hours. When one half of our planet is facing the sun the other half in the dark

6. How often does the moon orbit the earth?

The moon orbits the earth every 29 days.

7. Draw a picture that shows Earth, Sun and Moon. Label and add important information.

The rotation of the earth explains the day and night change
The inclination of the earth and its revolution around the sun explain the seasons

This was a link that has nearly all the answers and great explanations and even a test.

 The books used were:

  • Eclipses: Les rendez-vous célestes, Editions Bordas, Serge Brunier and Jean-Pierre Luminet
  • La Meteo, Editions Fleurus
  • El gran libro de los porques Edicion, San Pablo
  • Descubramos el universo, Edición Elfos

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011


One day there was a tsunami in Japan. Police men tried to evacuate as many people as they could. There was a dreadful lost of lives. The tsunami itself did a lot of demolish. People were hungry and were worried about the lose of their houses. The environment is now like a desolate desert of trash. People climbed on top of their houses to be safe. Ladies were crying because they had lost their homes. An elderly eelwas found dead in the beach because it had came down from a tree.

It will be difficult for the King and deputy to put the country good again. The Tourism is now almost inexistent and hotels are empty..... There has been lots of terrible drama. Decontamination has began to save the dolphins from the solution also in order to evade from disease. The tsunami length was 5km. One eskimo has came to dissolve and eliminate some gases. He has done a lot of effort but it was a fail. There is plenty of people on duty in the beaches to clean all debris. The harbor is destroyed and dirty The climate is now sunny. Crops and farming are begging to disappear and die.
A person dye dishwasher was a total mess. An elderly was found dead in the beach. It had come down from a tree. The monarchy is fable and in embarrass and do not want to take dodgy decisions. The government is elated that tsunami is over however the country aspect is disgusting.. It is like an extraterrestrial planet. Japan is now exhausted. The government is afraid to exile away from the territory. Elections are being made and the choices of electors is either to leave the country or not. There is a division among the population for the vote.

The governement is afraid that the country faces a defeat. It is an evidence and a fact that people should develop and encourage a new way of experiment with enthusiasm.
The world watches on tv a lot of documentary and description about the tsunami. There was a famous editor who was a dentist and didn't write the tsunami story but was part of the financiation. At leisure time peole came for the launch of this great story book. The service was delayed to 6 oclock because of metro issues.

The tsunami has caused double the trouble that the government thought. The Chinese and Japanese want to exchange products to get money for the victims.
The dungeons have been destroyed and thiefs lay around loosely Japan hopes to find happiness again so they can enjoy and learn equestrian activities during their week-end.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Time Travel

Along ago in the yellow sandy dunes of Qatar lived a boy and his name was Rashid. He had brown hair and brown skin likewise his eyes and was medium size for his age. Rashid lived with his mum and dad in a tent made out of wool from sheep. In addition Rashid father was an excellent pearl diver so Rashid father was rich and had over 100 camels because each pearl was worth 1200 qataris.
Rachid's mother was talented to select desert plants to make medicine for instance to stop the cough. One day she had high fever and was really sick. His mother sent him to pick-up the yellow flowers in order to make a tea medicine. After an exhausting 30 minutes walk in the hot desert he finally found something yellow that, in his mind was the flower.

Rashid felt exited to see what it was. He realized that it was a 4 meters rocket and it was half burried in the sand. The rocket was placed horizontally. He asked himself: Who did it belong to? How did it get there? Rashid wanted to dig to see the whole rocket. However it was made out of metal and he would burn his fingers because the sun was so hot. Rashid had a solution and he decided he would go back at sunset. Rashid rushed back to his tent, did not say anything to his parents because he was scared they would not let him go back. He told his mum a lie that he would go to feed the camels.He could not think about anything else but this discovery. Right after sunset, Rashid took a torch and set of. After walking very fast he found the rocket thanks to a big full moon that helped him to find his way back. He took all the sand off and digged about 30 centimeters. The rocket had a label where he could read Spain and 1999. All of a sudden, the rocket magically had gone vertically and the door opened automatically.

All of a sudden the rocket door opened. Rashid went inside and he found 3 switches: One said "Go to Qatar 2011", the second one said "Go to Qatar 1374" and the last one said "Go to Qatar 300 bc". So he decided to press "Qatar 2011". A second later the rocket blasted off and it launched slowly and afterwards faster and faster. Rashid felt very scary until he realized that the rocket was already in space. He, then did not feel scared anymore and started to feel excited as he could see all the planets and many shiny stars.Everything was quiet and silent, he felt very secure but all in a sudden the rocket started to fall down back to Earth. Rashid was not scared or even exited he was terrorized because he tought the rocket would crash. He lost conscious and when he woke up, he hardly believed he was still alive. He looked through the windows and did not understand what was all this noise outside. He pressed the switch to open the door.