viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Science Questions

  1. What Causes to have seasons:

We have seasons because the earth has a tilt of 23.5 degres and earth turns around the sun. When it is winter in America it is summer in Australia because at this time the Northern emisphere is a little closer to the sun and gets more energy from the sun. Look at the diagramm above and at the fantastic video below.

2. How often does the earth go around the sun?

The earth makes a full round around the sun in a year. A year is 365 days.

3. How long does it take for the earth to rotate on its axis:

The time it takes the earth to rotate on its axis is about 24 hours or 1 day.

4. Can you explain a solar eclipse?
The moon goes around the earth. The earth goes around the sun. When the moon is in perfect alignment and in between earth and sun, it creates a solar eclipse.

This diagram is from one of my  french books I received from one of my aunt after a lunar eclipse I saw in summer 2009 at her house in Bordeaux: Eclipses.

Sun eclipse in Paris: July 1999

5. Why do we have daytime and nightime?
Day and night time
We have night and day because the earth rotates every 24 hours. When one half of our planet is facing the sun the other half in the dark

6. How often does the moon orbit the earth?

The moon orbits the earth every 29 days.

7. Draw a picture that shows Earth, Sun and Moon. Label and add important information.

The rotation of the earth explains the day and night change
The inclination of the earth and its revolution around the sun explain the seasons

This was a link that has nearly all the answers and great explanations and even a test.

 The books used were:

  • Eclipses: Les rendez-vous célestes, Editions Bordas, Serge Brunier and Jean-Pierre Luminet
  • La Meteo, Editions Fleurus
  • El gran libro de los porques Edicion, San Pablo
  • Descubramos el universo, Edición Elfos

16 comentarios:

  1. Alejandro, I am VERY impressed with this blog post! This is absolutely wonderful. I enjoyed all the information that you included for your answers. I liked the video, the images and your words. It is clear that you understand the relationship of the Sun, Earth & Moon and can explain yourself thoroughly. I'll encourage the class to go to your blog to see how fantastic your work is. Great job! Five stars! Whooo hooo!

  2. I am very interested in the information you put for your homework. It was very good that you used books to help you with your research and everything is very colourful and especially the amount of pictures you put in. The explanation for the solar eclipse wasn't very specific and i don't think that the word 'alignment' is in your own words but i think everything else is very interesting to read and I like the question you put in.

    from Nadine Zarroug 5M

  3. Hi alejendro I really like your writting.
    Your picture is also very nice. You explain everything in this homework. Somethings I did not understand before now I read you homework and now I can understand a lot of stuff that I did not before. GREAT JOB ALEJENDRO!

  4. Hi Alejandro. Wonderful job here. You really put in a lot of effort. I'm sure you love this subject. I noticed the link and answer for question 6 did not tally but with all the work you put in, it's a puny mistake. I love it.

  5. Hi Alejandroe

    Nice job on your work.I liked that you put a picture for nearly every question. My favorite one was the solar eclipse in Paris.

    See you tomorrow

  6. Hi Alejandro I really liked your work and some of your questions where the same as mine. Nice job of putting your picture up.

  7. hi Alejandro

    enjoyed reading your facts and and pictures q1 I enjoyed watching your video and like the picture of elipes book and I think you could improve by writing for imformation.

  8. Hi Alejandro. Nice Job.I liked your detailed p's and detail. Ithink you can improve on nothing. This is a realy good blog post. Probbly one of the best I've read.

  9. Hi Alejandro
    I really like number one because of the video and picture that you put. They really helped me understand more. I think that you did not use your own words but I dont know. You did very well on this post and I think that there is nothing to change.

  10. I liked reading your post and watching your video. I think it's cool that you included tHe fact that you've seen a solar eclipse. You included your sources, pictures, a video and at the end you put your list of books.

  11. FOR number 6 I had the number 28 but you have 29 days I wonder who's right.Other than that your post is perfect

  12. Hi alejandro, you have put lots of creativity and effort into this. this is the best so far

  13. alejandro, you did a great job you had alot of pictures i think you did a great job your video gave lots of information.

  14. Alejandro,

    Your work is fantasic. I liked the idea of putting pictures related to your answer. You explained alot in this post, and i understood stuff that i didn't even know before. I also liked how you wrote which books you used. I thought the picture you drew was very interesting, and i thought the same thing when i read the caption underneath it. I just didn't understand what inclination means.

    Thank you,

  15. Hi Alejandro,
    I think that your homework was fantastic
    because you set it out neatly an also
    I think that you are the only one in 5m who put some picture's up to see I really liked your picture I see that also you put some facts you did a great job and now I know why Mr.Maxson choose you.

  16. hi alejandro i think your homework is exellent you putted alot of iformaition and i bet you worked hours on your h.w
