- What Causes to have seasons:
We have seasons because the earth has a tilt of 23.5 degres and earth turns around the sun. When it is winter in America it is summer in Australia because at this time the Northern emisphere is a little closer to the sun and gets more energy from the sun. Look at the diagramm above and at the fantastic video below.
How often does the earth go around the sun?
The earth makes a full round around the sun in a year. A year is 365 days.
3. How long does it take for the earth to rotate on its axis:
The time it takes the earth to rotate on its axis is about 24 hours or 1 day.
4. Can you explain a solar eclipse?
The moon goes around the earth. The earth goes around the sun. When the moon is in perfect alignment and in between earth and sun, it creates a solar eclipse.
This diagram is from one of my french books I received from one of my aunt after a lunar eclipse I saw in summer 2009 at her house in Bordeaux: Eclipses.
Sun eclipse in Paris: July 1999
5. Why do we have daytime and nightime?

We have night and day because the earth rotates every 24 hours. When one half of our planet is facing the sun the other half in the dark
6. How often does the moon orbit the earth?
The moon orbits the earth every 29 days.
7. Draw a picture that shows Earth, Sun and Moon. Label and add important information.
The rotation of the earth explains the day and night change
The inclination of the earth and its revolution around the sun explain the seasons |
This was a link that has nearly all the answers and great explanations and even a test. http://goo.gl/ZbhZk
The books used were:
- Eclipses: Les rendez-vous célestes, Editions Bordas, Serge Brunier and Jean-Pierre Luminet
- La Meteo, Editions Fleurus
- El gran libro de los porques Edicion, San Pablo
- Descubramos el universo, Edición Elfos